
Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Latin American Affairs (Duggan)

Mr. Boaz Long telephoned at about 11:30 to state that fighting had broken out in León where General Somoza was endeavoring to take the Fortín. Mr. Long stated that the Government had approached the Diplomatic Corps to suggest that the Corps send a communication to General Somoza suggesting in the name of humanity and in order to prevent bloodshed that he discontinue the use of force and use peaceful means toward the settlement of the political crisis. Mr. Long said that the representatives in Managua of the Governments of Great Britain, France, Salvador, and Honduras had indicated that they would sign such a message. The Mexican representative stated that he would sign if the representative of this country did. Mr. Long said that the Guatemalan representative was showing great reluctance to sign any such communication. Mr. Long inquired whether he might sign in the name of this Government. I informed Mr. Long that I would have to consult the Secretary and would notify him at the earliest possible moment.