The Chargé in Bolivia (Muccio) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 11.]
Sir: I have the honor to transmit copy, and translation, of Memorandum No. 276, dated July 27, 1936, from the Ministry of Foreign Relations33 explaining Bolivia’s objectives in the Chaco Peace Conference. The Memorandum reiterates that Bolivia’s aim is the strict execution and faithful fulfillment of the June, 1935, Protocol; that the Bolivian delegation has instructions to put aside all dilatory matters or pretexts that may cause an impasse in reaching a direct accord; and that the Conference must try to liquidate the old and complicated Chaco controversy, failing which the matter should be submitted to arbitration.
Point four in the Memorandum again calls attention to the necessity of readjusting the present dangerous situation with respect to the control of the Villa Montes–Boyuibe Road. (See Despatch No. 595, dated June 27, 1936).33 Last week there were repeated rumors circulating in La Paz that clashes had occurred there between Paraguayan and Bolivian patrols. All of the La Paz papers of July 23rd published an “Official Communication”, translation of which follows:
“Various rumors circulated yesterday, whose origin is not known, to the effect that clashes had taken place in the Chaco Central Zone, between Bolivian and Paraguayan troops. Such rumors having no foundation, the President’s Secretariat last night issued the following:
[Page 56]Official Communication
“The rumours circulating in recent days to the effect that clashes had taken place in the central zone of the present lines of occupation of the Bolivian and Paraguayan armies, are categorically denied. The situation is absolutely normal in the Chaco.”
La Paz, July 22, 1936.
Private Secretariat of the Republic”
Respectfully yours,