811.4061 March of Time/34

The Secretary of State to the Dominican Minister (Pastoriza)

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of July 28, 1936, in which you refer to a previous exchange of notes with regard to a recent film of “The March of Time” concerning the Dominican Government and express the wish, as you did in your note of July 11, that my Government “may find a way to prevent the continuation of attacks and insults of an evidently revolutionary character against the Dominican Government and people.”

As I stated in my note of July 15, 1936, I deeply regret the exhibition of any film or the publication of any article that causes offence to the sensibilities of any foreign government, but in view of the guarantee of freedom of speech contained in the fundamental charter of this country I am not in a position to take the preventive action which you have suggested in your two communications.

If the Dominican Government should at any time come into possession of evidence tending to prove the existence of revolutionary activities within the United States designed to overthrow the Dominican Government by force, my Government would of course be grateful to be apprised of such evidence in order that an appropriate investigation might be made with a view to possible prosecution under existing law.

Accept [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:
Sumner Welles