
The Chargé in the Dominican Republic (Atwood) to the Secretary of State

No. 3661

Sir: With reference to the Legation’s despatch No. 3486 of August 26, 1936,60a in relation to the delivery of a second note to the Secretary [Page 476] of State for Foreign Affairs on August 24, 1936, regarding the floating debt of the Dominican Republic, I have the honor to enclose for the Department’s information, copy and translation, of note No. 940 of November 29, 1936, received today from the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, advising me that President Trujillo has submitted to the Dominican Congress for its approval a bill to concede creditors of the Dominican Treasury a further period of six months, commencing January 1, 1937, in which to present the so-called “analyses” of their respective credits in order that they may be examined and exchanged for “certificates of credit.”

Respectfully yours,

Franklin B. Atwood

The Dominican Minister for Foreign Affairs (Bonetti Burgos) to the American Chargé (Atwood)

No. 940

Mr. Chargé d’affaires: In acknowledging the receipt of your note No. 256 of August 24 last, signed by His Excellency Minister Schoenfeld, I have to inform you that my Government has received with pleasure what was said in that note in order to clarify the intention of note No. 249 of June 18 from your Legation, as well as the recognition that was made in the said note No. 256, of August 24, of the interest that the Dominican Government is evidencing in favor of the payment of the floating debt of the Republic.

At the same time, and referring to the last paragraph of the cited note No. 256 of August 24 last, I must point out to you that, in connection with the examination and payment of credits and claims against the public treasury, the Dominican Government can only be governed in accordance with the stipulations of Law No. 1096 of April 29, 1936.

Finally, I am pleased to advise you that the Executive, desirous of facilitating compliance with the cited Law No. 1096 and esteeming that the period of one hundred eighty days indicated in Article 2 of the same has been found insufficient especially as applied to creditors residing outside of the country, has submitted to the National Congress a project of law whose sole article is drafted as follows:

“There is hereby conceded a new period of six months, which shall commence the first of January and shall terminate the thirtieth of June 1937 in order that the persons who are creditors of the public treasury and to whom were forwarded analyses of their respective credits, may proceed to exchange them for the certificates of credits to which Law No. 1096, promulgated the 29th of April 1936, refers.”

I avail myself [etc.]

E. Bonetti Burgos
  1. Not printed.