611.1831/104: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Costa Rica (Sack)

26. Your telegrams Nos. 34 and 35.

Department sees no objection to your substituting en bloc the general provisions used in the trade agreement with Guatemala for the English and Spanish texts sent you by Department’s instruction No. 299 of April 1615 mutatis mutandis. Except for Article XV for which we may have certain amendments. It will be desirable in order to avoid confusion for you to confirm as soon as possible which draft you plan to use for preamble and each article of the final text.
Indicate results of Department’s instruction No. 308 of May 23 so that appropriate insertions can be made in official texts here if necessary.
Does the Costa Rican Government accept Schedule I as sent with instruction 299, including the headnote and the two pharmaceutical notes?
Report result of telegram No. 20 of May 28, 6 p.m., so that final Schedule II can be drawn up.
Department will take no further action on matter discussed in penultimate paragraph of instruction 308 unless you so request.
Administrative approval needed here for agreement before you can be authorized to sign. Essential that you enable Department to draw up final text and thus be in a position to seek such approval at earliest possible opportunity.
  1. Not printed.