
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Costa Rica (Sack)

No. 290

Sir: Reference is made to the fourth paragraph of enclosure No. 1 to your despatch No. 961 of December 8, 1935, and to paragraph 6 of your telegram No. 53 of December 30, 1935 (noon),6 concerning the desire of the Costa Rican Government to stimulate the exportation of Costa Rican fruits and vegetables to the Canal Zone. This matter was taken up with the Secretary of War and there is enclosed a copy of his letter of February 20, 1936,7 on the subject.

Should necessity arise, you are authorized to communicate the statistics of Costa Rican sales to the Canal Zone commissaries informally to the Costa Rican authorities.

The remainder of the letter is for your own information and for background use, but it should not be quoted from.

In view of the considerations set forth in the letter of the Secretary of War, the Department is of the opinion that no commitment with reference to Costa Rican trade with the Panama Canal Zone can be made, either in the trade agreement or apart from it.

Very truly yours,

For the Secretary of State:
Francis B. Sayre
  1. Neither printed.
  2. Not printed.