825.5151/357: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Chile (Philip)

73. Your despatch 357, October 3.49 Please call on the Foreign Minister and leave a memorandum stating in substance that this Government having been apprised of the intention of the Chilean Government to establish quotas for automobiles and radios confidently assumes that the proportions of American products provided for in the quotas will not be lower than the proportions of units imported from the United States in recent representative periods for the respective commodities, as this Government would otherwise be obliged to view the quotas as discriminatory against the trade of the United States.

Please report by telegraph quotas as soon as determined and other developments. Also kindly check gold production figures in enclosure 3 of your despatch under reference as they appear to be substantially lower than Department of Commerce figures taken from the Central Bank of Chile Bulletin for last July.

  1. Not printed.