
The Secretary of State to the Director General of the Pan American Union (Rowe)

My Dear Doctor Rowe: With further reference to your letter dated January 10, 1936, and my reply of January 17, 1936,2 concerning the report of the subcommittee on the program of the Eighth International Conference of American States, I wish to say that in view of the approaching inter-American conference which is to be held in Buenos Aires, it would seem advisable to postpone the formulation of the definitive agenda of the Eighth Conference, and hence this Government desires to postpone the submission of comments until a later date.

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This Government has always placed great importance upon the periodic conferences and has always endeavored to do everything within its power to make them successful. It is the hope of this Government that the Buenos Aires Conference may contribute materially toward the success of the periodic conference and increase the opportunities for practical accomplishments as well as facilitate the labors of that meeting. It is with this in mind that this Government deems it preferable to postpone for the time being the presentation of its suggestions for the program of the Eighth Conference.

I shall be glad to be informed of the situation and, should it be decided to proceed at this time with the formulation of the agenda for the Lima conference, to be afforded an opportunity to present the views of this Government.

Sincerely yours,

Cordell Hull
  1. Reply not printed.