
The Minister in Nicaragua (Long) to the Secretary of State

No. 186

Sir: I have the honor to report that, in accordance with a previous agreement with the Nicaraguan Government, Messrs. D. Tucker Brown and John K. Flick, of the Bureau of Public Roads, arrived in Managua on July 17 and left for Costa Rica on July 23. During their stay here, they called on the Minister for Foreign Affairs, the President of the Republic, and the Minister of Fomento. In their talks with the latter, they agreed to send an engineer from the San José office, Mr. Jones, to Nicaragua to make a reconnaissance survey of the route of the Pan American Highway from Granada to Chaguitillo and to report on the advisability of building a bridge across the Sebaco River near Mata-galpa instead of the Estelí River. The Nicaraguan Government now desires to have the bridge across the Sebaco River.

In addition to the above-mentioned reconnaissance survey, Mr. Jones will prepare the plans for the Bridge across the Ochomogo River.

Respectively yours,

Boaz Long