
The Secretary of State to the Minister in El Salvador (Corrigan)

No. 204

Sir: In the Department’s instruction of October 17, 1934, you were directed to ascertain and report “whether the Government of El Salvador accepts the route through that country laid down in the reconnaissance survey” for the Inter-American Highway which had been determined by the engineers of the Bureau of Public Roads of this Government.

Numerous replies from your Legation have indicated that the Government of El Salvador is interested in the construction of the Inter-American Highway through the territory of that country and has been proceeding as rapidly as circumstances appear to permit in work toward the completion of its section of the highway; but so far as can be found in the Department’s files no definite statement has been forwarded by your Legation that the Government of El Salvador accepts the reconnaissance survey route for the Inter-American Highway through that country.

It is understood that the route of the projected highway through the territory of El Salvador laid down in the reconnaissance survey report was furnished by the appropriate authorities of El Salvador to the engineers of the Bureau of Public Roads of this Government [Page 153] who conducted the reconnaissance survey. It has therefore naturally been assumed that the route was acceptable to the Government of El Salvador. However, it would be helpful to the Department if the Government of El Salvador would definitely state that the route laid down in the reconnaissance survey report is acceptable to it. Should there be any portion of the route which that Government has been, or contemplates, constructing that does not follow the reconnaissance survey, it would be adequate for the purposes of the Department if the appropriate authorities of El Salvador would state that the reconnaissance survey route is acceptable excepting certain specified portions lying between designated points on the reconnaissance survey marking the termini of the portion or portions which have been or are to be changed. It is not of course, you will understand, the desire of this Government to influence the Government of El Salvador in following any particular route through that country, but the Department would appreciate having as a minimum a statement from the Salvadoran authorities that the approaches to the borders between El Salvador and Guatemala on the one hand and El Salvador and Honduras on the other of the route being, or to be, constructed through that country are identical with the route laid down in the reconnaissance survey. The Department’s desire is, you will doubtless understand, to be in a position to state definitely, should occasion for such a statement arise, that assurances have been received from all interested Governments that a definite continuous route for the Inter-American Highway has been accepted.

Very truly yours,

For the Secretary of State:
Sumner Welles