Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State (Welles) to the Chief of the Division of Latin American Affairs (Duggan)
I feel that this despatch2 requires some acknowledgment and that if acknowledgment is made, it should be made after very careful consideration of the questions involved.
I have, for some time, been unhappy because of my realization of the existence of the facts reported by Dr. Corrigan. While, fortunately, governmental interference as such will no longer be undertaken with regard to the strictly political questions and other more domestic concerns of the Central American Republics, nevertheless, I feel it is quite true that the personal influence of the American Minister, if exerted tactfully, quietly, and without publicity, and with regard to matters that affect the general relations between the Central American Republics, and, inferentially, their individual or joint relations with the United States, should be of the utmost value. In other words, [Page 128] non-interference should not be considered as a negation of helpful and friendly advice on matters in which the Central American Republics and ourselves, as well as, in a broad sense, all of the American Republics, have a legitimate interest.
I suggest that the Division prepare a memorandum covering what is believed to be a reasonable interpretation of these views so that consideration can be given to the drafting of an instruction.
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