Revolution in Nicaragua49

49. For previous correspondence see Foreign Relations, 1935, vol. iv, pp. 842 ff.

[716] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Chile (Philip)

817.00/8468: Telegram

[717] The Minister in Nicaragua (Long) to the Secretary of State

817.00/8473: Telegram

[718] The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Nicaragua (Long)

817.00/8473: Telegram

[719] The Minister in Nicaragua (Long) to the Secretary of State

817.00/8485: Telegram

[720] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Nicaragua (Long)

817.01/54a: Telegram

[721] The Minister in Nicaragua (Long) to the Secretary of State

817.01/55: Telegram

[722] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Nicaragua (Long)

817.01/55: Telegram

[723] The Minister in Nicaragua (Long) to the Secretary of State

817.00/8501: Telegram

[724] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Nicaragua (Long)

817.00/8558: Telegram

[726] The Chargé in Nicaragua (Ray) to the Secretary of State

817.00/8612: Telegram

[727] Señores Juan B. Sacasa, Emiliano Chamorro, and Adolfo Diaz to the Secretary of State


[728] The Minister in Nicaragua (Long) to the Secretary of State


[729] The Minister in Nicaragua (Long) to the Secretary of State

817.001 Somoza, Anastasio/2: Telegram

[730] The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Nicaragua (Long)

817.001 Somoza, Anastasio/2: Telegram

[732] The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Nicaragua (Long)

817.001 Somoza, Anastasio/9: Telegram

[733] The Acting Secretary of State to the Nicaraguan Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs (Ramirez Brown)

817.001 Somoza, Anastasio/7a: Telegram

[734] The Nicaraguan Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs (Ramirez Brown) to the Secretary of State

817.001 Somoza, Anastasio/8: Telegram

[735] The Minister in Nicaragua (Long) to the Secretary of State

817.001 Somoza, Anastasio/11: Telegram