894.00/608: Telegram
The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 9—12:45 p.m.]
65. Hirota has succeeded in forming a Cabinet. He will at least temporarily continue as Foreign Minister owing to the army’s disapproval of Yoshida.43 Other Ministers of importance are Baba, Finance; Count Terauchi, War; Nagano,44 Navy; Ushio, Home Affairs; Hayashi, Justice.
[Page 758]Baba is a well-known banker of conservative leanings who has been President of the Hypothec Bank for several years. The choice is generally considered a good one as he has no strong affiliations with any political or financial groups, knows the agricultural land situation and is thoroughly familiar with long-term financing.
General Terauchi is the son of the late Count Terauchi and has the reputation of being independent and allied with no faction in the army. He has no known political affiliations and is said to be popular in army circles and to have no prejudices in regard to foreign countries.
Admiral Nagano is well known to the Department.
Ushio is a member of the House of Peers and has held a number of administrative positions of importance including the post of Vice Minister of Home Affairs. He is highly respected and appears to have been chosen because of his knowledge of administration. He will be concurrently Minister of Education.
Hayashi has had a distinguished career in the Ministry of Justice having served as Vice Minister, as Procurator General, and as presiding judge of the Court of Cassation.
Full reports on these and other members of the new Cabinet will be sent by mail.45 The Cabinet appears to have the support of the two principal political parties as members of each of them have portfolios. The choices for Home and Justice posts indicate an investigation of these Departments which the public has long demanded.
It seems probable that separate Ministers for Foreign Affairs and Education will be appointed subsequently when Hirota has had time to canvass the situation more at leisure.