893.51/6124: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Bingham)
123. Your 186, April 7, 6 p.m., final paragraph. In view of (a) the reported activities of Leith-Ross in connection with the proposed [Page 589] settlements of both Tientsin–Pukow and Hukuang loans, (b) the intimate association of Leith-Ross with the British Treasury and Foreign Office, and (c) the considerations outlined in Department’s 115, April 5, 8 p.m., particularly ultimate and penultimate paragraphs of section 1 thereof, Department would be at a loss to understand a refusal, if made by the Foreign Office on the score that this is purely a private business matter, to offer to those British interests concerned with the Hukuang loan a suggestion that sympathetic consideration be given to the views of the American interests.
Department suggests that Atherton, unless you perceive objection thereto, convey discreetly and orally to the appropriate British officials the substance of the foregoing.