893.01 Inner Mongolia/545: Telegram

The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Henderson) to the Secretary of State

46. The following is a summary of a Tass telegram from Ulanbator dated February 13th published in today’s Pravda:

[Page 58]

At 7 a.m. on February 12th, a Japanese-Manchurian mixed detachment of 500 men in 20 trucks and 1 passenger car armed with fixed and portable machine guns and 3 field guns, accompanied by 2 tanks and 2 airplanes, crossed the Mongolian frontier and attacked the Mongolian Frontier Guard at a point 7 kilometres from Bulunder-sun. The Mongolian Frontier Guard, although outnumbered by over 5 to 1, put up a stiff resistance before retreating. They left behind 1 field gun and 1 machine gun which were carried away by the Japanese-Manchurians. The Japanese-Manchurian detachment penetrated into Mongolian territory to a depth of 10 or 12 kilometres. Upon the arrival of reenforcements, Japanese-Manchurians were driven back to Manchukuo. Mongolian losses were 1 killed and 7 wounded and Japanese-Manchurian losses 10 killed and 20 wounded. The Mongolian Government has despatched a telegraphic note to Manchukuo protesting against the incident and demanding immediate investigation.
