- Act of Algeciras, 1906, 415–418, 424
- Afghanistan, provisional agreement with United States on friendship, diplomatic, and consular representation, 1–7
- Aggression, Convention for the Definition of (1933), 142n
- Agreements. See Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Anglo-Egyptian Treaty of 1936, 26, 28–33 passim, 112–113
- Anglo-French Mediterranean Accord, termination, 186, 187–188
- Anti-War Treaty on Nonaggression and Conciliation (1933). See under Ethiopian-Italian conflict: Annexation.
- Arab-Jewish conflict. See under Palestine.
- Argentina. See the following under Ethiopian-Italian conflict: Annexation: League of Nations: Assembly, Nonrecognition, Sanctions; and Background: Sanctions.
- Arms embargo. See under Ethiopian-Italian conflict: Neutrality laws of United States.
- Austria: Anschluss, relation to Ethiopian-Italian conflict, 137, 142; reestablishment of conscription, 508
- Balkan Entente (see also Turkey: Montreux Conference: Attitude: Balkan countries), Ethiopian-Italian conflict, 147, 158, 182
- Belgium: Attitude toward Italian annexation of Ethiopia, 274, 275; diplomatic representation in, following German invasion in World War I, 224–225, 253; protest against proposed quota system in French Zone of Morocco, 416; U. S. negotiations to sublease Legation building in Addis Ababa, 272, 273–277, 278
- Beneš, Eduard, favorable to Mediterranean pact, 139
- Bolivia (Ethiopian-Italian conflict), 157, 164, 176, 177, 185
- Brazil (Ethiopian-Italian conflict), 157
- Bulgaria. See Turkey: Montreux Conference: Attitude: Balkan countries.
- Canada (Ethiopian-Italian conflict), 165, 179
- Capitulations:
- Chile. See the following under Ethiopian-Italian conflict: Annexation: League of Nations: Assembly, Reform; Annexation: Nonrecognition, Sanctions; and Background: Sanctions.
- Citizenship (U. S.), ineligibility of Afghans, 2–3
- Claims:
- Morocco, Spanish Zone: Recognition by United States in exchange for settlement of claims of American citizens, negotiations concerning, 422, 432; settlement of British claims, 427, 429
- Turkey, liquidation of U. S. claims against Turkey for disbursements made while representing Turkish interests, 1914–17, 529
- Collective security. See Ethiopian-Italian conflict: Regional alliances.
- Colombia (Ethiopian-Italian conflict), 117, 157, 164, 172, 177, 178, 231
- Conferences:
- Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace. See under Ethiopian-Italian conflict.
- International Conference for the Unification of Penal Laws, Copenhagen (1935), 392–395
- London Naval Conference, 191
- Montreux Conference for Revision of the Straits Regime. See under Turkey.
- Conventions. See Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Cuba (Ethiopian-Italian conflict), 157, 166, 177
- Customs privileges. See Morocco: French Zone; and under Syria and the Lebanon.
- Czechoslovakia:
- Danubian Accord, Italian view of, 191
- Danzig situation, British relation to, 93
- Denmark (Ethiopian-Italian conflict), 91
- Diplomatic immunity: Arrest of Iranian Minister, 343–348 passim; issue in radio transmission from Addis Ababa, 298–301
- Disarmament: Possible summoning of a conference, 150; French view of, 179
- Discrimination: Iran, discriminatory trade regulations, 395–400; Morocco, Spanish Zone, discriminatory passport regulations, 419–422
- Ecuador (Ethiopian-Italian conflict), 117, 123, 126, 132, 146, 172, 177
- Eden, Anthony: January 17 speech to Engineering Employers Association, 92–93; June 18 speech to House of Commons, 158–159, 172, 187, and Italian reaction to, 160; interview with Haile Selassie, 154
- Egypt, 8–33
- Egyptian Economic Mission, 10
- Embargoes. See Ethiopian-Italian conflict: Neutrality laws of United States: Arms embargo and oil embargo.
- Erzerum, Treaty of, 1847, cited, 388
- Ethiopian-Italian conflict, 34–341
- Anglo-Ethiopian Boundary Commission, 82–83
- Anglo-French Mediterranean Accord, termination of, 186, 187–188
- Annexation of Ethiopia by Italy and reaction of
League of Nations and powers, 130–188, 255,
274; and U. S. problem of
recognition, 219–254, 324–325, 326
- Anti-War Treaty on Nonaggression and Conciliation (1933), cited by Argentina, 146n, 149, 156, 157, 176, 178; Colombia, 231; Italy, 174, 177–178; United States, 225–226
- Argentine viewpoint requested by Italy, 236–237; United States, 225–226
- Attitude of powers: Belgium, 274, 275; France, 220, 221; general, 237–238; Germany, 248–249, 250; Italy, 227–231; United Kingdom, 251–254; United States, 220–221, 241
- France. See subject headings infra and supra.
- Germany:
- Attitude of, 169–171
- Austria, anschluss, 137, 142
- De facto recognition, 248–249, 250
- French apprehension concerning, 168–169, 173
- Italo-German countersanctions, possibility of, 141–142; rapprochement reported, 152
- Rhineland remilitarization, issue of, 171
- United Kingdom: Attitude toward threat to Czechoslovakia, 151; questionnaire cited, 135; rapprochement possibility, 170; warning on German menace, 159, 173
- Hoare-Laval proposals. See Hoare–Laval peace proposals, infra.
- Italy. See subject headings infra and supra.
- League of Nations (see also
Sanctions, infra):
- Appeasement, general policy toward, 161, 180
- Assembly (and Council) convocation and agenda proposed by Argentina, 145–147, 150–151, 152; general reactions and policies of powers, 160–162, 164, 174–175; reaction by countries: Argentina, 148, 153, 155–157, 161, 171, 175; Balkan Entente, 147, 182; Chile, 146, 178; Ecuador, 146; France, 146, 147, 153, 175; Italy, 147, 175; Latin America, 146, 175–177; Little Entente, 137, 182; Mexico, 176–177; “neutral” states, 147; Panama, 179; small powers, 146–147; United Kingdom, 146, 147, 153, 155, 156, 175
- Assembly meeting of June–July 1936, 177–181; summary of, 182–184
- Assembly meeting of Sept. 1936, 188
- Bureau of the Assembly, action in, 180–181
- Council (see also Assembly, supra), meeting of May 1936, 131–132
- Coordination Committee, 137, 185–186
- Credentials Committee, 184–185
- Ethiopia: Draft resolution on nonrecognition and financial assistance, 180, 181, 182; exclusion attempt at Sept. Assembly meeting, 188; participation [Page 535] of and reaction to Emperor Haile Selassie in Assembly, 162–163, 175, 178, 182–183: probable nonrecognition of, 163, 184–185
- European-American rivalry, 158, 162, 175, 176, 183–184
- General Committee of the Assembly (Bureau of the Assembly), 180–181
- Italy: British view of reestablishment in League, 155; departure of delegation, 132–135 passim; expulsion advocated by British Labor Party, 159; reaction to Emperor Haile Selassie’s participation in Assembly, 175, 182–183; reassurances and attitude toward, 160, 173–174, 177–178; technical position in, after Assembly meeting, 182
- Reaction of Council and powers to annexation, 130–138, 143–145, 146
- Reform of, 138–139, 146, 182; attitude and actions of: Bureau of the Assembly, 180–181; Chile, 162, 164, 172, 176, 178, 181; Colombia, 172, 178; Council and Assembly, 162; Ecuador, 172; France, 169, 173, 179; Italy, 174; Mexico, 172; “neutral” states, 165; Panama, 178–179; Peru, 172; Soviet Union, 179: United Kingdom, 151, 155, 159, 173, 179; Uruguay, 164; Venezuela, 172
- Relation to annexation, 220
- Mediterranean pact. See under Regional alliances, infra.
- Mutual assistance arrangements. See Regional alliances, infra.
- Nonrecognition (see also Sovereignty question and United States, infra), attitude and actions of: Argentina, 146, 154, 156–157, 161, 163–164, 185–186; Bolivia, 157, 164, 177, 185; Brazil, 157; Chile, 156, 157, 177; Colombia, 157, 164, 177, 178; Cuba, 157, 166, 177; Ecuador, 177; Ethiopia, 163, 180, 181, 182; France, 152, 179; Haiti, 185; Italy, 147–148; Latin America, 171–172; League of Nations, 152, 157–158, 162, 176, 178, 179–183 passim; Mexico, 157, 176–177; “neutral” states, 165; Panama, 164, 177; Peru, 157, 164, 177; Soviet Union, 162; United Kingdom, 131, 155, 160, 179, 183; Uruguay, 157, 164; Venezuela, 157
- Sanctions, attitude and actions of: Argentina, 146, 148, 151, 153, 154, 156–157, 161, 177; Balkan Entente, 158; Bolivia, 157, 164, 176; British Commonwealth countries, 165–166, 179; Chile, 132, 135, 176; Colombia, 157, 177, 178; Cuba, 157, 166; Ecuador, 132; France, 130, 142, 149, 166, 168–169, 185, 187–188; Germany, 170; Italy, 134, 139–140, 141–142, 143, 147–148, 158, 160, 165, 174, 221; League of Nations, 136–138, 152, 162, 180–186 passim; Mexico, 157, 176–177; “neutral” states, 164–165, 185; Peru, 157, 164; Soviet Union, 179; United Kingdom, 142, 150, 151, 153, 155, 159, 165, 166, 179, 185, 187–188, 221; Uruguay, 157, 164; Venezuela, 157, 177
- Sovereignty question (see also under Neutrality laws of United States, infra): Diplomatic credentials exchange, 242–247, 249, 250–251; Greek request for Consulate General, 253; Italian declaration and viewpoint, 226, 227–228, 242; Legation withdrawals from Addis Ababa, 247, 252–254; relation of governments to occupying power, 224–225; transfer of political authority, 219–220, 221; U. S. nonrecognition in forms of address, 295, and missionary activities, 324–325, 326
- United Kingdom (see also subject headings supra): Blum government in France, attitude toward, 149–150, 173; conversations with Italy, 143, 153, 172; Eden, Anthony, House of Commons speech, June 18, 158–159, 160, 172, 187; fleet movements in Mediterranean, 186, 187; policy formulation, 158–159, 161, 166–168, 172–173; rearmament, 150, 152, 159, 168, 170
- United States (see
also subject headings, supra):
- Ambassador Long’s press remarks, 235–236
- British and French interests in Ethiopia, 221
- Diplomatic representation, problem of, 222
- Extraterritoriality: Effect of Italian decree, 239–240; examples cited, 222–225; past attitude, 240–241; status of foreign residents, 238–239
- Germany sounded, 248–249
- Italian expression of friendship, 228
- Policy cited by Argentina, 163–164
- Viewpoint requested by Italy, 229–231, 236–238, 249–250; powers, 231–234, 236, 238, 253
- Anti-War Treaty on Nonaggression and Conciliation (1933). See under Annexation, supra.
- Appeasement: League of Nations Assembly policy, 161, 180; Italo-British efforts, 172
- Arms embargo. See under Neutrality Laws of United States, infra.
- Background of conflict, 34–129
- France (see also subject headings infra): Arms shipment, 116; Austria, German designs on, 120; British rapprochement, 126–128; fleet movements, 87; Italian alignment, 128; policy, 89–91; Straits Regime, 121
- Germany: Menace of, 87, 93, 99–100, 101, 103, 106, 113, 120, 127, 128; Rhineland remilitarization, 121
- Geneva Protocol of 1925, violation of, 50, 51
- Hague Convention of 1907, cited, 39; violation of, 50, 51, 94
- Hoare–Laval proposals. See Hoare–Laval peace proposals, infra.
- Inhumane warfare. See Warfare, inhumane, infra.
- Invasion. See Invasion, occupation, and resistance, infra.
- Italy (see also subject headings infra and supra): Policy, 91–92, 97–98, 104–105, 113, 114–115, 119; toward Germany, 99–100; toward peace, 116, 121–125, 128
- League of Nations (see also
Peace proposals
Sanctions, infra):
- Collective policy, 93, 99, 107, 112–113
- Committee of Thirteen: Acceleration of Italian military operations, 115–116; inhumane warfare, 85, 91, 95; meetings, 95–97, 120–125
- Conciliation possibility, 98
- Council of the League, meeting of Jan. 1936, 85, 89–91, 94, 97–100, 118
- Observations of U. S. Minister in Ethiopia, 68–69
- Technical Committee, meeting of, 114
- Open cities, bombing of, 45, 51–53
- Peace proposals (see also Hoare–Laval peace proposals, infra), attitude and actions of—
- Sanctions:
- Attitude and actions of: Argentina, 117–118; Chile, 117; Committee of Eighteen, 90, 96, 106, 109, 111, 114, 119, 120, 128; Committee of Experts on Petroleum Sanctions, 97–98, 105–111 passim; Committee of Thirteen, 95–97, 113; Coordination Committee, 110; Council of the League, 97–98; Ecuador, 117, 126; Egypt, 105; France, 119, 121, 126, 128; Italy, 100, 113; Latin America, 108–109, 117–118; Mexico, 107, 108, 117; Netherlands, 107; Rumania, 108, 111; Technical Committee, 104; United Kingdom, 88, 92–93, 105, 107–109, 111, 118–121, 126, 128, 129; Venezuela, 105–106, 107
- Effect on military situation, 104, 105
- Monroe Doctrine, 107
- U. S. neutrality laws, effect of, 86, 88–89, 90, 93, 98, 100, 103
- Stresa front, 101, 113, 130, 153, 169
- Treatment of foreigners, 50, 73, 74
- United Kingdom (see also subject headings supra):
- Washington Treaty of 1922, violation of, 34
- Collective security. See Regional alliances, infra.
- Haile Selassie, Emperor: Audience of U. S. Minister with, 63–64, 65; flight from Addis Ababa, 75, 76, 219, 254; interview with Anthony Eden, 154; participation in League Assembly meeting of June–July 1936, 162–163, 175, 178, 182–183; proposed visit to United States, 213–215, 216–219
- Hoare–Laval peace proposals, 100–102; cited, 91–92, 94, 96, 97, 98, 119, 166–167
- Inter–American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace, relation to, 132, 146, 148–149, 153, 162, 163–164
- Invasion, occupation, and resistance (see also
Warfare, inhumane, infra):
- Post-annexation, 163, 167–168, 180, 193–212 passim; fall of Addis Ababa, 254–256, 263, 264–265, 266, 269, 270–271, 276, 280–282, 285; military preparedness of Italy, 144, 187
- Pre-annexation, 34–39, 42–49, 51, 53–63, 66–67, 73–74, 76–87, 89, 104, 115–116, 119; statements of Empress of Ethiopia, 70–72, and Princess, 72–73
- League of Nations. See under Annexation and Background, supra.
- Mediterranean pact. See under Regional alliances, infra.
- Missionary activities: Religious guarantees, 203; repression of, 319–330
- Mutual assistance arrangements. See Regional alliances, infra.
- Neutrality laws of United States, application of,
- Arms embargo and travel restrictions: Applications and revocation discussed, 193–200, 207–211 passim; extension of, 189–190, 192; principle of application, 88; revocation, 212
- British questions concerning, 189–190
- Haile Selassie, proposed visit to United States, 213–215, 216–219
- Italian viewpoint, 191
- League collective system affected, 197
- Oil embargo: Effect of nonapplication, 191; relation to sanctions, 86, 88–89, 90, 93, 98, 100, 103
- Sovereignty question (see also under Annexation, supra), relation to, 193–194, 196, 199–200, 201
- Trade restrictions with Italy lifted, 212–213, 214–215
- Oil embargo. See Background of conflict: Sanctions, supra; and under Neutrality laws of United States, supra.
- Open cities, bombing of, 45, 51–53
- Petroleum. See Background of conflict: Sanctions, supra; and Neutrality laws of United States: Oil embargo, supra.
- Protection of foreign nationals and property, and U.
S. Minister’s relations with occupying authorities:
- Change in British diplomatic representation considered, 268, 333, 334, 340
- Communications: Interference with, 296–310; U. S. use of British Legation radio, 299–300, 302, 307–308
- Defense of American Legation, 254–285: Arms shipment, 271, 273, 278–280; Belgian Legation building, negotiations for sublease, 272, 273–277, 278; British Legation, cooperation of, 256–264, 265–266, 271–272, 282–284
- Establishment of relations, 285–289, 294–295
- Execution of Ethiopians in front of U. S. Legation, 310–312
- Expulsion of member of U. S. Legation staff threatened, 290, 292–293
- Forms of address, 293–294, 295–296
- Observation of Fascist salute, 290–292, 293, 312–313
- Protection of American nationals, 206, 285–295 passim, 330–334 passim
- Repression of missionary activities: British representations, 326–327; U. S. representations, 319–330
- Trade restrictions imposed by Italy, 314–319
- Withdrawal of U. S. representatives from Ethiopia, considered, 330–341
- Red Cross activities, 39–41, 42, 45, 94, 95
- Regional alliances, collective security, etc.:
- Anglo-French Mediterranean Accord, termination of, 186, 187–188
- Annexation of Ethiopia, effect of, 136–137
- Attitude of powers (see also Mediterranean pact, infra): Balkan Entente, 158; Colombia, 178; [Page 538] France, 141n, 169, 179; Germany, 170, 171; Italy, 160; Soviet Union, 179; United Kingdom, 141n, 159, 160, 167, 168, 179, 182
- Mediterranean pact, 137, 138–139, 141–142, 158; relation to recognition of conquest, 252
- U. S. neutrality laws, effect of, 197
- Sanctions (see also under Annexation and Background, supra), effect on Italy, 191–192
- Securities: Alleged agreement between France and Italy concerning, 189; transfer to United States by Italy, 188–189
- Straits Conference, relation, 142, 143, 155, 186, 187–188
- Stresa front, 101, 113, 130, 153, 169
- Warfare, inhumane:
- Extradition treaty between United States and Iran, proposed, 391–395
- Extraterritoriality (see also Capitulations; and under Ethiopian-Italian conflict: Annexation: United States), application in proposed U. S. recognition of Spanish Zone of Morocco, 425–426, 427–428
- France (see also entries under Ethiopian-Italian conflict; Morocco: French Zone; Syria and the Lebanon; Turkey: Montreux Conference): Attitude toward disarmament, 179; Madagascar, status of U. S. treaties following French annexation, 223–224, 240
- Freedom of the press, 347, 351, 352, 354, 355, 361, 363, 372, 374
- Geneva Protocol of 1925, 50, 51
- German-Iranian Convention for Regulation of Payments, 1935, 395–400
- Germany (see also under Ethiopian-Italian conflict: Annexation and Background): Belgium, status of diplomatic representation following invasion in World War I, 224–225, 253; Liberia, rumored mandate over, 406, 407; Rhineland remilitarization, 508–509, 510, 512
- Great Britain. See United Kingdom.
- Greece (Ethiopian-Italian conflict), 253
- Hague Convention of 1907, 39, 50, 51, 94
- Haile Selassie, Emperor. See under Ethiopian-Italian conflict.
- Haiti (Ethiopian-Italian Conflict), 185
- Hawaiian Islands, 224
- Hoare-Laval peace proposals. See under Ethiopian-Italian conflict.
- Hungary, attitude toward revision of Straits Regime, 508, 520
- Immigration (see also under Palestine: Arab-Jewish conflict), Afghans to United States, 2–3
- Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace. See under Ethiopian-Italian conflict.
- International Conference for the Unification of Penal Laws, Copenhagen (1935), 392–395
- International Missionary Council, 23, 24–25
- International Red Cross. See Ethiopian-Italian conflict: Red Cross activities.
- International Postal Union, 382
- Iran, 312–400
- Closing of Lutheran mission, U. S. attitude toward, 385–391
- Expression of regret by United States in arrest of Iranian Minister, 342–350
- Extradition treaty with United States, proposed, 391–395
- Inquiries by United States regarding nondelivery of second-class mail, 359, 375–385
- Presidential sympathy extended to Shah after earthquakes and floods, 373
- Representations by United States regarding trade discrimination, 395–400
- Withdrawal of Iranian representatives in protest against articles in American press, 350–375
- Iraq, 401–405
- Italy (see also Ethiopian-Italian conflict; Turkey: Montreux Conference), customs franchise in Syria and the Lebanon compared with privileges granted United States, 463, 465, 469, 478
- Japan (see also Turkey: Montreux Conference):
- Korea, 222–223, 240
- Kurds, 387–389
- Kru problem (Liberia), 408, 409, 410
- Latin America. See Ethiopian-Italian conflict and individual countries under subject headings.
- Lausanne Treaty of 1923. See under Turkey: Montreux Conference.
- Laval-Hoare peace proposals. See Ethiopian-Italian conflict: Hoare–Laval peace proposals.
- League of Nations (see also under Ethiopian-Italian conflict: Annexation and Background): Egypt, 20–28; Straits Regime, participation in revision, 510, 511, 515, 521
- Lebanon. See Syria and the Lebanon.
- Liberia, 406–411
- Little Entente (Ethiopian-Italian conflict), 137, 182
- Locarno Treaties of 1925, 64, 119, 135, 509
- London Naval Conference, 191
- Lutheran mission in Iran, closing of, 385–391
- Lytton Commission, 92
- Madagascar, 223–224, 240
- Madrid Convention of 1880, 419–422
- Mandates. See Palestine; and Syria and the Lebanon.
- Mexico (Ethiopian-Italian conflict), 107, 108, 117, 157, 172, 176–177
- Minorities, protection of, in Egypt, 20–28
- Missionary activities: Closing of Lutheran mission in Iran, 385–391; religious guarantees by Italy in Ethiopia, 203; repression by Italy in Ethiopia, 319–330; safeguarding of religious liberties in Egypt, question of, 20–28
- Missionary Council, International, 23, 24–25
- Monroe Doctrine, 107
- Montreux Conference for Revision of the Straits Regime. See under Turkey.
- Montreux Convention for Revision of Straits Regime. See Turkey: Montreux Conference, etc.
- Morocco, 412–432
- Most-favored-nation principle between United States and—
- Netherlands:
- “Neutral” states (Ethiopian-Italian conflict), 147, 164–165, 185
- Neutrality. See Ethiopian-Italian conflict: Neutrality laws of United States.
- Nonrecognition. See under Ethiopian-Italian conflict: Annexation.
- Oil embargo. See under Ethiopian-Italian conflict: Neutrality laws of United States.
- Open cities, bombing of, 45, 51–53
- Open door principle: Ethiopia, following Italian occupation, 211; proposed quotas in French Zone of Morocco, 415, 417–419
- Palestine, 433–459
- Arab-Jewish conflict:
- British measures to restore order, 437, 442, 443, 449, 451, 452, 455
- Immigration problem, U. S.-British policies toward, 444–445, 446, 448–449, 453–455, 455–459
- Legislative Council, proposed, 435, 440
- Outbreak of disorders, 434–442, 443–444
- Protection of American nationals, 442–443, 444, 451
- Royal Commission of Inquiry, 445–446, 449, 452–453, 454, 455, 457, 458
- Trans-Jordan, actions of Emir Abdullah, 444, 449
- Visit of U. S. Senators, 446–448, 450–451
- Zionism: Activities, 447; Haganah, 440, 441; U. S. refusal to transmit documents, 455–459
- Exercise of judicial and administrative functions by U. S. consular officers, 433, 434
- Arab-Jewish conflict:
- Panama (Ethiopian-Italian conflict), 164, 177, 178–179
- Passports, discriminatory regulations in Spanish Zone of Morocco, 419–422
- Peru (Ethiopian-Italian conflict), 157, 164, 172, 177
- Petroleum. See Ethiopian-Italian conflict: Neutrality laws of United States: Oil embargo.
- Poison gas. See Ethiopian-Italian conflict: Warfare, inhumane.
- Poland: Ethiopian-Italian conflict, 123, 124, 146; Liberia, rumored mandate over, 406, 407; revision of Straits Regime, 522–523
- Press. See Freedom of the press; and Iran: Withdrawal of Iranian representatives.
- Quotas (commerce), proposed modification of customs regime in French Zone of Morocco, 412–419
- Quotas (immigration). See Palestine: Arab-Jewish conflict: Immigration.
- Rearmament, British, 93, 112, 120, 150, 152, 159, 168, 170
- Recognition. See Ethiopian-Italian conflict: Annexation: Nonrecognition; Liberia: Barclay government; and Morocco: Spanish Zone.
- Red Gross activities, Ethiopian-Italian conflict, 39–41, 42, 45, 94, 95
- Red Cross Convention of 1929, 41
- Regional alliances. See under Ethiopian-Italian conflict.
- Religious liberties in Egypt, 20–28
- Rhineland, remilitarization of, 121, 171, 508–509, 510, 512
- Rome Protocols, cited, 191
- Rumania, Ethiopian-Italian conflict, 108, 111, 123
- Russia. See Soviet Union.
- Sanctions (see also under Ethiopian-Italian conflict: Annexation; and under Ethiopian-Italian conflict: Background of conflict), effect on customs regime in French Zone of Morocco, 412
- South Africa. See Union of South Africa.
- Sovereignty. See under Ethiopian-Italian conflict: Annexation; also under Ethiopian-Italian conflict: Neutrality laws of United States.
- Soviet Union (see also Turkey: Montreux Conference), Ethiopian-Italian conflict, 162, 179
- Spain (see also Morocco: Spanish Zone), Ethiopian-Italian conflict, 91, 138, 139
- Stimson doctrine, 163–164
- Straits Regime. See Turkey: Montreux Conference.
- Stresa front (Ethiopian-Italian conflict), 101, 113, 130, 153, 169
- Sweden (Ethiopian-Italian conflict), 40, 41, 91
- Syria and the Lebanon, 460–502
- Archaeological activities in Syria, question of inclusion of subject in Franco-Syrian treaty negotiations, U. S. inquiry regarding, 483–486
- Customs privileges assured to American educational and philanthropic institutions, U. S. representations against French unilateral withdrawal, 460–483
- Mandate termination, TJ. S. insistence on consultation, 496–502
- Modification of Lebanese discriminatory legislation against practice of medicine or pharmacy, 478, 486–495
- Trade agreement between United States and Egypt, discussions concerning, 8–12
- Trans-Jordan, 444, 449
- Treaties, conventions, etc.:
- Act of Algeciras, 1906, 415–418, 424
- Aggression, Convention for the Definition of (1933), 142n
- Anglo-Egyptian Treaty of 1936, 26, 28–33 passim, 112–113
- Anglo-French Mediterranean Accord, termination, 186, 187–188
- Anti-War Treaty on Nonaggression and Conciliation (1933). See under Ethiopian-Italian conflict: Annexation.
- Danubian Accord, Italian view of, 191
- Erzerum, Treaty of, 1847, cited, 388
- Geneva Protocol of 1925, 50, 51
- German-Iranian Convention for Regulation of Payments, 1935, 395–400
- Hague Convention of 1907, cited, 39, 50, 51, 94
- Lausanne Treaty of 1923. See under Turkey: Montreux Conference.
- Locarno Treaties of 1925, 64, 119, 135, 509
- Madrid Convention of 1880, cited in connection with discriminatory passport regulations in Spanish Zone of Morocco, 419–422
- Montreux Convention for Revision of Straits Regime, July 20. See Turkey: Montreux Conference.
- Provisional agreement between Afghanistan and United States on friendship, diplomatic, and consular representation, 1–7
- Provisional agreement with reference to commercial relations between the United States and Iran, 1928, cited as violated by Iranian trade discrimination, 398, 400
- Red Cross Convention of 1929, 41
- Rome Protocols, cited, 191
- Treaty of Aug. 21, 1930, regulating importation of arms into Ethiopia, 279
- Tripartite Convention, 1930, cited by United States in connection with possible termination of French mandate in Syria and the Lebanon, 496–497, 499, 500
- Universal Postal Union Convention (1934), cited, 379, 381, 382
- U. S.-French Convention of 1924, U. S. rights in Syria and the Lebanon, 460, 491, 492, 496–500 passim
- U. S. treaties with certain countries, status following annexation of those countries by foreign powers: Korea, 222–223, 240; Madagascar, 223–224; Morocco, Spanish Zone, 427–432; Tripoli, 240, 241; Tunis, 241; Zanzibar, 241
- Versailles Treaty, cited, 116, 508–509
- Washington Treaty of 1922, 34
- Tripoli, 240, 241
- Tunis, 241
- Turkey, 503–529
- Iranian-American dispute: Amelioration efforts, 374; assumption of Iranian interests in United States, 358–359, 360
- Kurdish policy of Turkish Government, 387–389
- Liquidation of U. S. claims against Turkey for disbursements made while representing Turkish interests, 1914–17, 529
- Montreux Conference for Revision of Straits Regime,
June 22–July 20, and convention signed
July 20, 503–529
- Attitude and participation of powers: Balkan countries, 508, 510, 511, 515, 519, 520, 522, 524, 525; France, 509–510, 511, 515, 521, 524, 527; Hungary, 508, 520; Italy, 509, 511, 515, 516, 521, 524–525, 527; Japan, 509, 515, 519, 524–525; Poland, 522–523; Soviet Union, 511, 516, 518, 522, 524, 527; United Kingdom, 509–510, 511–512, 515, 516, 520–521, 522, 524
- Ethiopian-Italian conflict, relation to, 142, 143, 155, 186, 187–188
- Italian expansion, Turkish fear of, 511, 512, 526–527
- Italo-British antagonism, effect of, 517, 519
- Lausanne Treaty of 1923, Turkish representations for revision, 503–510, 516–518, 523, 524
- League of Nations, participation and effect on, 510, 511, 515, 521
- Opinion of outcome, 527–528
- Remilitarization of Straits, 510, 512, 526
- Soviet Union, opportunity of powers to cut off, 525
- United Kingdom, Turkish solidarity with, 526–527
- United States: Decision not to attend Conference, 513–514, 522; request for assurances on use of Straits, 513, 521–522, 526, 528–529
- Union of South Africa (Ethiopian-Italian conflict), 165–166, 179, 181
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. See Soviet Union.
- United Kingdom (see also entries under
Ethiopian-Italian conflict; Montreux Conference
- Anglo-Egyptian Treaty of 1936, 26, 28–33 passim, 112–113
- Anglo-French Mediterranean Accord, termination, 186, 187–188
- Iran, British representations regarding discriminatory trade regulations, 397–400
- Iraq, termination of mandate compared by United States to Syria and the Lebanon, 496–497, 499, 500
- Lebanon, British representations regarding restrictions on practices of medicine and pharmacy, 488, 491
- Liberia, recognition of Barclay government in, 408, 409, 410–411
- Morocco:
- Special position in Egypt, 10
- Universal Postal Union Convention, 1934, 379, 381, 382
- Uruguay (Ethiopian-Italian conflict), 157, 164
- Venezuela (Ethiopian-Italian conflict), 105–106, 107, 157, 172
- Versailles Treaty, cited, 116, 508–509
- Warfare, inhumane. See under Ethiopian-Italian conflict.
- Washington Treaty of 1922, 34
- Yugoslavia (see also Turkey: Montreux Conference: Attitude: Balkan countries), sanctions in Ethiopian-Italian conflict, 91
- Zanzibar, 241
- Zionism. See under Palestine: Arab-Jewish conflict.