867N.00/401: Telegram

The Consul at Jerusalem (Wadsworth) to the Secretary of State

Local reaction to Arab Higher Committee’s publication night before last of Arab rulers’23 appeal and consequent “call upon the noble Arab community to end the strike and the unrest” is one of general relief, thankfulness.

Arab circles are jubilant, arguing that while no concrete British promises have been obtainable their 6 months’ protest has not only brought Palestine question before bar of world opinion but has also made of it an Arab question in the solution of which Great Britain will lend sympathetic ear to representations of neighboring Arab rulers.

Jewish circles approve settlement because they too have lost economically from strike but disapprove strongly circumstances of termination fearing precedent created for interventions by these Arab rulers.

While British military circles regret loss of opportunity to administer much needed lesson, civilian officials believing ultimate solution must be based on conciliation and compromise are relieved that repression through martial law has become unnecessary.

This morning, after early prayers in mosques and churches, Arab shops opened and normal life of city was resumed in atmosphere almost festive.

Most observers believe that next fortnight will see end of sabotage and violence and gradual dispersing of provincial terrorist bands, that Royal Commission will arrive end of this month for minimum 3 months’ inquiry, that local situation can best be described as armed truce pending action upon Commission’s findings and that as it was this situation which furnished pretext for establishing extra division of British troops in southeastern Mediterranean majority of forces now here will be retained pending clarification European situation.

  1. Amir Abdullah of Trans-Jordan, King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia, and King Ghazi of Iraq.