891.48 Mehabad/1: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Iran (Merriam)
34. Your 48, August 7, noon. The President telegraphed the following message to the Shah on August 7:
“Deeply moved by the suffering caused by the recent floods and earthquakes in Your Imperial Majesty’s dominions, I desire to extend to Your Imperial Majesty the expression of my profound sympathy.”
In this connection and for your confidential information the Turkish Ambassador in Washington has suggested to his Government that the Turkish Ambassador in Teheran be authorized to approach the Shah informally and on his own responsibility with a view to making clear to the Shah the situation in this country respecting freedom of the press and American institutions in general.
In making this suggestion to his Government the Turkish Ambassador here has, at the Department’s request, emphasized the fact that the suggestion did not emanate from this Government and the Turkish Ambassador in Teheran will be instructed to carefully avoid giving the Shah any reason to believe that this Government is at all concerned over the continued absence of Iranian representation in Washington.
If this matter is mentioned to you by the Turkish Ambassador you will confirm to him the facts set forth above.