765.84/4515: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister Resident in Ethiopia (Engert)
254. Your 376, May 27, 2 p.m. and 377, May 27, 3 p.m. Pending further consideration of the matter the Department has no objection to your following procedure outlined in your 377. Please advise the Department promptly of the result of your proposed conference with your colleagues on this matter as well as any instructions which your colleagues may have sought or received. The question of foreigners giving Nazi salute was covered by a notice published in the German press on August 23, 1933, by the representative of the leader of the Nazi party. This notice reads as follows:
“In all countries it is the custom that when the national anthem is sung, when the flag is saluted, or on similar occasions, foreigners do honor to the country whose hospitality they enjoy by joining with the citizens of the country, by standing up, and by taking off their hats. This is a self-evident obligation of international courtesy, the fulfillment of which is expected from every German in foreign countries as it is expected from every foreigner in Germany. But it cannot be expected that a foreigner should give a salute or perform a ceremony which is not customary in his own country as for example the ‘German greeting’ through the lifting of the right arm. This can be expected as little as for example it cannot be expected of a Protestant, when he enters a Catholic church, that he cross himself.”
No information is available with respect to foreigners giving a Fascist salute in Italy but such information is being sought by telegraph and will be transmitted to you as soon as it is received.