384.11/126: Telegram
The Minister Resident in Ethiopia (Engert) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 3—1:45 p.m.]
274. My messenger has just returned from Sudan Interior Mission at Furi and reports everybody well and safe. There seems to have been a little anxiety for a while but nothing serious happened.
Although messenger was unable to get through to American Mission Gullali because of heavy firing, I believe I would have heard if they were in trouble as the mission is comparatively near the Legation. However, the fact that he could not get through and that just then an Abyssinian child was shot down near our front gate and a mob was reported to be approaching made it seem wise to send message to British Legation to send trucks at least for evacuation of Greeks and Russians, 4 Armenian girls and some 15 British Somalis who had joined them since yesterday. This was done and I believe they reached British Legation safely thus relieving my mind of a great burden as our food supplies were totally insufficient for such large numbers and I could not have afforded them real protection in case of serious trouble.