701.6511/815: Telegram

The Chargé in Italy (Kirk) to the Secretary of State

217. My 216, June 18, noon.9 I discussed at the Foreign Office this afternoon the matter of the use of titles in the case of letters of credence along the lines of the Department’s 69, June 17, 2 p.m. and was told that although the matter was being studied no decision had yet been reached. It was suggested, however, that pending a decision as to a solution the agrément of Suvich be granted by the American Government and I was told that the Italian Government for its part would accord the agrément of a new Ambassador to Rome when such an appointment should become necessary. In this connection I was told that the Soviet Government had given its approval of Rosso’s appointment to Moscow on this basis. I was also assured that the Italian Government had no intention of involving a question of recognition of Italian sovereignty over Ethiopia in the matter of the addition of the title of Emperor to that of King of Italy in letters of credence.

I was given no indication of the nature of the solution to be reached and was unable to obtain any definite statement as to whether letters of credence addressed to the King of Italy only would be accepted. I was told that the same question was involved and being studied in the case of the appointment of a new Chilean Ambassador and Egyptian Minister whose letters were in the above form. On the other hand, the letters of the new Austrian Minister who has just arrived are addressed to King and Emperor.

  1. Not printed.