
Memorandum by the Under Secretary of State (Phillips)

Having already communicated with the President over the telephone and receiving his approval, I sent for the Italian Ambassador this afternoon.

On entering the room the Ambassador told me that he regretted that he had no reply to the question which I asked him two weeks ago in regard to the question of the credentials of a new ambassador to Rome as a result of the new title of the King. I said that this was a matter concerning which I should like to make a further suggestion, which seemed necessary in view of the fact that his Government had just asked for the agrément of Mr. Suvich as Ambassador to the United States and because of the fact that announcement of this fact had already been made in Rome.

I told Mr. Rosso that I had already advised the President of his (Rosso’s) transfer and that the President had expressed very deep regret, a sentiment which we all shared. However, we now had to consider simultaneously the question of accrediting a new ambassador to Rome and a new Italian Ambassador to Washington; it was evident, in view of the two weeks delay in answering our first question, that the Italian Government was seriously embarrassed. The suggestion, therefore, which I wished to make was with a view to removing all embarrassment on both sides and was to the effect that this Government would accredit the new American Ambassador to “His Majesty the King of Italy, etc. etc.” or to “His Majesty the King of Italy and possessions beyond the seas”. Mr. Rosso seemed to think that this suggestion might meet the situation and promised to telegraph at once to Rome for an expression of their views. I urged no further delay because I did not want it to appear that we were holding up on the Italian request for the agrément for Mr. Suvich.

William Phillips