765.84/4470: Telegram

The Chargé in Italy ( Kirk ) to the Secretary of State 49

173. Department’s 46, May 19, 6 p.m.50 Italian papers today publish reports from Addis Ababa to the effect that according to accounts [Page 201] from Italian airmen who are said to be maintaining surveillance throughout the entire country and from caravans reaching Addis Ababa during the past few days from Gimma, Caffa and Gambella the rumors as to an Ethiopian troop movement toward Addis Ababa on the western borders with the support of Sudanese contingents under the command of an Ethiopian Prince are false. Reports add that the attitude of Ras Imru who, in command of a few hundred warriors, had taken refuge near the Godjam border is becoming less hostile. One editorial mentions Ras Imru as probably the only chieftain alive who has not fled the country or submitted to Italy and that his fate will soon be decided.

  1. Repeated to the Minister Resident in Ethiopia as Department’s telegram No. 242, May 20, 6 p.m.
  2. Not printed.