852.00/3788: Telegram

The Third Secretary of Embassy in Spain (Wendelin) to the Acting Secretary of State

X–319. My telegram No. X–311, November 13, 10 p.m., and Department’s 191, November 14, 1 p.m. British Ambassador [Chargé?] understands that his Government has instructed British Ambassador at St. Jean de Luz informally to request Burgos government, through their unofficial representative there, to include in safety zone announced by it, area in which are located British and American Embassies among others. This area is triangular in shape, adjoins previously announced safety zone on west and is bounded as follows: Paseo de la Oastellana on the east; Genova Street on south; Almagro and Zurbano Streets on west joining Castellana to north at new ministerial buildings. If the Department deems it advisable informal representations in the same sense as of the British might be made through Ambassador Bowers.

Thus far the rebels have avoided direct bombardments of Embassy area as well as safety zone although a few bombs and shells probably misdirected have fallen therein. However, the original rebel announcement is understood to have been qualified by the statement “unless the Government forces use it as a focus for military operations.”
