Liability of American citizens having dual nationality for military service when visiting Yugoslavia17
17. For previous correspondence, see Foreign Relations, 1934, vol. ii, pp. 742 ff.
[882] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Yugoslavia (Wilson)
Washington, February 4, 1936.
[883] The Minister in Yugoslavia (Wilson) to the Secretary of State
Belgrade, April 9, 1936.
[Received May 1.]
[Received May 1.]
[884] The Minister in Yugoslavia (Wilson) to the Secretary of State
Belgrade, April 23, 1936.
[Received May 7.]
[Received May 7.]
360h.117 Rigler, Frank/9
[885] The Chargé in Yugoslavia (Abbott) to the Secretary of State
Belgrade, August 6, 1936.
[Received August 25.]
[Received August 25.]
360h.117 Rigler, Frank/12
[886] The Minister in Yugoslavia (Wilson) to the Secretary of State
Belgrade, September 15, 1936.
[Received October 6.]
[Received October 6.]
[887] The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Yugoslavia (Wilson)
Washington, December 17, 1936.