704.1452/2: Telegram

The Third Secretary of Embassy in Spain (Wendelin) to the Acting Secretary of State

X–317. Department’s 194, November 15, 1 p.m. Guatemalan Chargé d’Affaires informs me that his Government accepting press [Page 761] reports of capture of Madrid by rebels as true instructed him by radio in clear on November 8 to convey its recognition to General Franco. This message was intercepted by Government and gravely endangered safety of himself and refugees in the Legation but through persons friendly with Government he has been able to prevent publication of news in local press and has received every assurance of protection. He reported circumstances in detail to his Government which then became justly alarmed over consequences and approved his efforts to maintain status quo disregarding instructions to inform Franco of recognition accorded. He feels sure he is not now in personal danger but states that on specific orders of his Government he plans to leave Madrid as soon as he can arrange for protection Legation, Consulate and persons sheltered there by some other mission. He will not however leave country, remaining Valencia to maintain relations with Government for the time being.

Some 40 or 50 persons all Spaniards except 3 or 4 Guatemalans have been given asylum in the Legation. In addition on offer of Chargé d’Affaires, local authorities have placed small number refugees from near-by towns in the Consulate building under protection Guatemalan flag and a dozen others are in Legation. Protection of Legation and Consulate and refugees therein is only problem as there are no other Guatemalan citizens or business interests in Madrid.

Consul General of Guatemala at Barcelona is leaving country today, other consular representatives are all honorary of Spanish nationality. Chargé d’Affaires considers no assistance needed except possibly at Valencia where he will be in touch with our Consul if and when he goes there. In the meantime I have offered him refuge in the Embassy whenever he may feel personal safety endangered.

To take charge of Guatemalan interests this time means exclusively in practice undertaking protection of Spanish refugees in the Legation which is not a separate building but occupies certain floors of an apartment building. Remainder of building is occupied by private families but entire building nevertheless is under the protection of Guatemalan flag. Approximately 25 of refugees are insurgent and 10 or 15 Government sympathizers. Thus former are now in personal danger and latter will be if rebels enter Madrid. Our protection of latter would perhaps be difficult after rebel entry unless we recognize Franco government immediately. I do not therefore think it advisable to take charge of Guatemalan interests here, primarily because I fear circumstances may arise under which I would be powerless to fulfill responsibility to protect refugees mentioned. As regards personal safety Guatemalan Chargé d’Affaires there now appears no grave danger but if it should develop [apparent omission] that he may [Page 762] come here. As a matter of fact the military situation is such that within a very short time the rebels may have control of Madrid thus automatically solving problem.
