352.1115/999: Telegram

The Consul at Barcelona (Franklin) to the Secretary of State

I really do not think this is a safe place for Americans. The menace to the safety of their lives is not now active but it may become so any day. All indications are that the local situation will become more dangerous. This belief is based on close observation and contact with groups in power. Of course the danger may be forestalled or delayed. Should disorder and lack of authority make themselves more evident it would be too late to provide safety and protect lives of all Americans. This danger could be increased by antagonism of local people to certain foreigners and in such an eventuality all foreigners may be attacked indiscriminately.

With reference to my telegram August 12, 7 p.m.,99 should I deem it advisable for their safety please authorize me to send out any American members of the staff as well as officers if transportation is available.

I am remaining, of course, as long as I may be of service.

I invited Americans to a reunion today and of 62 present 37 declared their intention of remaining, 25 their intention of leaving near future if funds and other circumstances permit.

Will the Department kindly arrange, possibly through the Navy Department, to have me supplied with 30 gas masks.

The two special allotments of $500 granted in the Department’s telegrams of July 23, 10 p.m. and August 7, 9 p.m.,1 have been of great help to us in our work of protecting and evacuating Americans. However, they are now exhausted and I respectfully request an additional allotment of $1000, $500 of which are to be devoted to the protection of Consulate, evacuation of Americans, food and other equipment, local transportation, and $500 of which are intended for repatriating at least five very deserving destitute Americans without relatives and anxious to return to the United States. Copies of text mailed to Embassies Madrid and Paris.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Neither printed.