852.00/2325: Telegram
The Ambassador in Spain (Bowers) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 30, 1936—1:45 p.m.]
Quiet in Bilbao. Americans willing to leave evacuated. Two at Santander who were offered facilities declined.
Very strained relations developing between Italy and Germany on one side and French on the other side. Their envoys here surprisingly open on attitude toward Spanish struggle. France has sent 20 airships last 3 days contracted for before the trouble and commander British ship here tells me Germany has sent 14 fighting airships to the rebels. Attempt of German warship to land armed forces San Sebastián some days ago probably intensifying the cleavage, important perhaps as indicating a threat to European peace. The Almirante Cervera the Spanish ship that revolted, is at Gijón. Intercepted message picked up by Cayuga warns to keep away from it.