611.48A6 Liquor/12: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Consul at Capetown (De Courcy)
Your July 20, 3 p.m. Department of Agriculture states that BPQ 362 (May 1, 1934) made provision for entry of grapes from countries where the Mediterranean fruit fly is known to exist if shipments were made in compliance with certain specifications. This method is available to South African shippers as well as to other exporters now sending fruits to the United States. Inasmuch as the South Africans have indicated they could not conveniently use this method experiments were undertaken following exchange of views with the South African entomologists to determine if methods more suitable to their particular needs could be devised. This experimental work is actively in progress but it is difficult to say when results may be expected which would permit a revision of BPQ 362.