811.114 Canada/5076

Memorandum by the Under Secretary of State (Phillips)

The Canadian Chargé d’Affaires handed me this afternoon the accompanying memorandum31 containing the substance of the replies of the Canadian distillers to the proposals for a conference submitted to the Canadian Government in our memorandum of April 10th. Mr. Wrong pointed out that in substance the companies had agreed to accept these proposals. At the same time they make certain observations, which Mr. Wrong does not believe of any material importance.

[Page 819]

I pointed out that in paragraph (c), page 2, there was some danger in the words “after the conclusion of the conference”, since it seemed to give approval to the idea that the conference could break up without definite conclusions being reached. After some further conversation Mr. Wrong agreed to omit the words “after the conclusion of the conference”, and said that in sending over the memorandum to the Treasury he would authorize us to omit the phrase.

William Phillips
  1. Not printed.