811.114 Canada/50613/6: Telegram
President Roosevelt to the Under Secretary of State (Phillips)
I have spoken with Mr. Oliphant about the Canadian liquor matter.
Here is my suggestion as a minimum of what we should require of Canada.
[Page 804]- First, if the companies can give some practical assurance that they will come into court and that any judgment which may be obtained against them will be paid, no legislation is necessary at this time.
- Second, your statement that the Treasury only had proof in one case is definitely denied by the Treasury. They have a number of cases pending but are only ready to go to trial at this time with filing one case.
I repeat what I told you the other day, that if these people were American citizens we could levy against their imports to satisfy a judgment. Therefore Canadians against whom we obtain judgment ought to assure us that we can make collection. If the representatives of the Canadians would give better evidence to the Treasury that they would go through with a proper agreement on legislation, I believe an agreement could be made, but so far the Canadian’s representatives have been a little too vague and their assurance unsatisfactory.