647.116/136: Telegram

The Consul General at Sydney (Moffat) to the Secretary of State

Your May 27, 5 p.m. Members of the Cabinet have scattered for the Parliamentary recess and there is not a Minister in Canberra. Pearce,12 Gullett are both in Melbourne; I am therefore proceeding there tomorrow and shall deliver your note on Monday. I am under no illusion that it will deter the Government from the discriminatory policy it has announced and which according to all indications will be applied against us as drastically as possible without self injury. I feel, however, that the public does not yet appreciate the degree to which such a policy is resented in America or its possible repercussion on our attitude.

I hope that the Department will telegraph me at the Melbourne Consulate its wishes with regard to publicity.

  1. Sir George F. Pearce, Australian Minister for External Affairs.