811.79640/278: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Bingham)

245. Your No. 328, June 29, 4 p.m. Please communicate the following immediately to the British Foreign Office: [Page 725]

“I have the honor to refer to the note of the Foreign Office of June 29, 1936, in regard to the establishment of the proposed transatlantic air services and to state that my Government has given careful consideration to the contents of that note and has instructed me to communicate the following reply to His Majesty’s Government.

Separate Services.

My Government has given most careful consideration to your comments with reference to the United States–Bermuda service, and have noted that His Majesty’s Government agree that aircraft employed on the United States–Bermuda local service should be separate and independent from those employed on the transatlantic service. My Government has likewise noted your assurance that His Majesty’s Government have never intended, nor do they intend, to use the local service between Bermuda and the United States as a means of creating a separate transatlantic service, additional to that provided in the draft permit now under consideration.

Subject to the above conditions, my Government agrees to regard the operations confined to the United States-Bermuda route as a separate local service, with the understanding, however, that the permits for this service shall run concurrently with the permit for the transatlantic service, but shall lapse if such local service connects with or becomes a part of any through service.

Information as to Airports and Airways or Routes.

My Government respectfully invites His Majesty’s Government’s attention to the fact that it indicated in the note of the American Embassy of May 1, 1936, a series of airports on the Atlantic coast for use by the proposed services, and is prepared, within its own territory and territorial waters, to designate routes leading thereto. Maps indicating such routes will be forwarded to London within a few days for delivery to His Majesty’s Government. My Government now desires to be informed as to the airports which will be made available to the American company operating the services in the United Kingdom, Newfoundland and Bermuda and as to the airways or routes leading thereto.

Communication with the Governments of Canada and the Irish Free State.

Although it was stated in the note of the American Embassy of May 1, 1936, that my Government had indicated its intention of communicating with the Governments of Canada and the Irish Free State, my Government now believes that it might be more expeditious, if no objection is perceived, for His Majesty’s Government to approach the Canadian and the Irish Free State Governments with a view to having them furnish the desired information as to airports and airways or routes within the territorial jurisdiction of those Governments. As Canadian territory is adjacent to the United States and as the air routes must necessarily connect, my Government, in order to avoid delay, is also furnishing the Canadian Government directly with information in regard to the proposed routes in United States territory.

[Page 726]

Right of Revocation.

With reference to the right of revocation, my Government desires that His Majesty’s Government be informed in response to specific inquiry that it proposes to include in the permits to Imperial Airways, Limited, or a company in which Imperial Airways hold a controlling interest, the following provision:

‘This permit may be withdrawn upon notice for important reasons of public policy when the conditions thereof or the actual practice thereunder is no longer regarded by the Government of the United States as being in its interest. Such notice shall be sent to your company only after consultation between the two Governments concerned for a period of at least 60 days. Withdrawal will take effect 2 years after such notice has been sent.’

Texts of Permits.

My Government will within a few days telegraph for transmission to His Majesty’s Government the complete texts of the proposed permits.


My Government earnestly hopes that the considerations set forth above will be acceptable to His Majesty’s Government and that it will be possible for both Governments to issue the permits, valid as of June 1, 1936, at an early date. My Government desires to add that it is prepared to extend the most complete cooperation possible in any arrangements for the conduct of preliminary experimental flights.”

Please communicate to the British Foreign Office simultaneously with the above, a further note in the following language:

“I have the honor to refer to previous correspondence concerning the establishment of transatlantic and United States–Bermuda air services.

With reference to the acceptability of Pan American Airways Company for the proposed services my Government is pleased to inform His Majesty’s Government that the fundamental data referred to in the letter of the Acting Secretary of Commerce of December 15 [13], 1935,89 addressed to the Director General of Civil Aviation in Great Britain, have been submitted by Pan American Airways Company, and that the company is acceptable to the United States Government and is hereby approved for the proposed services, which approval shall remain in force and effect so long as there is no violation of present or future laws of the United States and the company continues to provide a reasonably efficient air transport service.”

  1. Not printed.