
Memorandum by the Secretary of State

The British Ambassador came in and referred further to our conference of some days ago, in regard to the shipping question in the Australian-New Zealand area which has arisen between certain [Page 716] American and certain British lines. The Ambassador said that his Government, on his recommendation, was prepared to comply with my suggestion, made in the form of an inquiry during the course of our last conversation, to withdraw the written communication which the British Government as the intermediary of New Zealand had handed to the State Department. This he said, would permit the entire matter to be conducted orally, but naturally in the same manner and, if desired, to the same extent as if it were in writing. I expressed my satisfaction and gratification. The Ambassador said he would call on Mr. Dunn, Chief of the Division of Western European Affairs, and receive from him the instrument of writing and withdraw it.

C[ordell] H[ull]