611.4131/161: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Bingham) to the Secretary of State

231. My 222 of April 23, noon.22 I saw the Foreign Affairs Secretary by appointment at 4 o’clock this afternoon and handed him the [Page 660] memorandum contained in your 125, April 11, 4 p.m. He asked me to say to you that his Government has taken great satisfaction in the views you have expressed in your communications and is giving them active sympathetic consideration; that his Government welcomes the opportunity which you have created for an exchange of views for the purpose of establishing a common policy; that his Government is greatly impressed by the ideals inspiring your policy and by the courage with which you advocate them; that while he is not prepared to make a definite statement as to the contents of the memorandum which his Government is preparing he hopes when it is ready that it will show that the aims and methods of his Government are substantially similar to those of our own and he anticipates that this memorandum will be ready in the very near future.

Incidentally during our conversation I referred to paragraph 3 of heading 8 of the text of proposals in the British Government’s White Paper of March 1923 regarding the extension of economic relations between nationals which Eden admitted constituted an open lead bearing on the question at hand.

  1. Not printed.
  2. British Cmd. 5134, Germany No. 2 (1936): Text of Proposals Drawn Up by the Representatives of Belgium, France, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Italy, London, March 19, 1936.