811.801 Wireless/102
The Belgian Embassy to the Department of State
Verbal Note
Pursuant to instructions from its Government, the Embassy of the King has the honor to call the kind attention of His Excellency, the Secretary of State, to the effect which the application of the measures provided for by the proposed law amending the “1924 [1934] Communications Act”, which is now being studied by the House of Representatives, might have upon Belgian interests.
As the Department of State is aware, Belgium is a party to the London International Convention of 1929 for the Safety of Life at Sea.
Some of the provisions of the legislation contemplated exceed the obligations provided for by the International Act of 1929.
The Government of the King would be happy if Belgian ships stopping in American ports were not subjected, in this connection, to requirements other than those called for by the above mentioned convention.
- File translation revised by the editors.↩