811.114 Netherlands/65: Telegram (part air)

The Minister in the Netherlands (Emmet) to the Secretary of State

26. Department’s telegram No. 20, August 1, 2 p.m.52 Minister of Foreign Affairs informs me today that bill to prevent fraudulent exportation of alcohol has been prepared at the Treasury and awaits approval of the Minister of Finance who is absent on leave till the end of August. Bill expected to receive prompt approval when introduced in September.53 I feel everything is proceeding normally.

  1. Not printed.
  2. The proposed project of law was introduced on December 8, 1936, into the lower house of the States General, where a committee report on the bill was submitted on February 18, 1937. The bill appears to have been still under consideration in May 1940 when the Netherlands Government, constrained by force majeure, was temporarily removed to London.