811.114 Netherlanda/60

The Chargé in the Netherlands (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

No. 403

Sir: I have the honor to refer to the Legation’s despatch No. 333, of December 6, 1935,50 concerning the desire of the Treasury Department to obtain more effective cooperation from the Netherland authorities in the detection of fraudulent alcohol shipments from Dutch ports, and in connection therewith, the visit of Commander B. M. Thompson, of the Treasury Department, to The Hague. A reply to the Legation’s official note on this subject has just been received, and a copy and translation are enclosed herewith.

The Department will observe that the Netherland Government has decided to adopt the method which I suggested informally in December to Mr. Beucker Andreae, head of the Judicial Department of the Foreign Office. This method seemed to Commander Thompson to be the simplest and easiest although new legislation would be required.

The port authorities will presumably be able to use the powers granted under this new legislation to interfere with suspected shipments but will not be called upon to apply the regulations to all shipments so that free traffic of the port of Rotterdam will not be seriously interfered with. This was their chief objection to all plans of cooperation.

[Page 438]

I am enclosing herewith a note51 which I at once sent to Minister for Foreign Affairs, de Graeff, assuring him of our appreciation of the decision of the Netherland Government. Their agreement to this request must be recognized as unusual and contains, I think, implications of friendliness and good will which should not be lost sight of. I will call on him in person on Monday.

Respectfully yours,

Warden McK. Wilson

The Netherlands Minister for Foreign Affairs (De Graeff) to the American Chargé (Wilson)

No. 12159

Mr. Chargé d’Affaires: Referring to your Note No. 214, of December 9, 1935, relative to the smuggling of alcohol into the United States, I have the honor to inform you that the Minister of Finance has the intention to submit shortly to the States General a supplementary draft amending the law in force in the Netherlands with regard to alcohol licenses, in order better to control the fraudulent importation into the United States of alcohol originating from the Netherlands.

This draft is now in course of preparation at the Ministry of Finance.

I avail myself [etc.]

De Graeff
  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.