811.114 St. Pierre-Miquelon/434: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Bullitt)

530. Your No. 1194, December 4, 5 p.m. The suggestions made by the Foreign Office are presumably in substitution for those we suggested in our telegram No. 475 of November 23, 7 p.m. We would, of course, greatly prefer to see the French Government prohibit the exportation of all alcohols from St. Pierre-Miquelon with the exception of those described in point (1) of your telegram or, if this is impossible, that the exportation thereof be in accordance with the provisions of the decree of April 9, 1935. If this also cannot be achieved, it is believed that the import tax of 15 francs per liter would be preferable to the imposition of a quota.

With regard to point (2), please endeavor to have the word “foreign” omitted from the proposed decree in order that it may apply to all alcohol now in storage at St. Pierre-Miquelon.

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With reference to point (3) it is assumed that the term “alcool de traite” means all alcohol fit for human consumption. Please confirm this understanding.
