793.94/6831: Telegram

The Chargé in China (Gauss) to the Secretary of State

30. The Consul General at Mukden15 has reported in telegram of January 18, 10 a.m., that he has been informed by Mukden military authorities that an ultimatum has been issued through the Kalgan Military Mission to Chinese forces in Western Jehol Province where they have been since the occupation of Jehol Province to withdraw into Chinese territory and that Japanese and “Manchukuo” troops have been sent to that area as reenforcements.

From Chinese official source at Peiping the Legation learns that some 4 days ago a Japanese ultimatum was sent to a Chinese general in command of 2,000 troops to withdraw from a place (name unknown) southeast of Dolonor, where he has been stationed since the seizure of Jehol; that whether this area is a part of Jehol or Chahar is a question; that the Chinese general returned the ultimatum to the sender, a local Japanese commander, stating that such a message should go through the proper channels; that the message was then delivered to Chairman of Chahar Province, who informed the Japanese that it should go to the National Government; and that the Japanese Assistant Military Attaché will soon take the matter up with General Ho Ying-chin, chairman of the Peiping branch of the military council. This Chinese source is apprehensive that an incident of considerable proportions may develop if and when the Chinese troops withdraw.

It is possible that this incident is the beginning of efforts of Japanese military to define the entire Jehol-Chahar border.

  1. Joseph W. Ballantine.