741.9411/221: Telegram

The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State

11. The Japanese press has again been featuring rumors to the effect that the Anglo-Japanese alliance, or something akin to it, is to be revived in the near future. I learn that the British Ambassador yesterday told the local correspondent of the New York Times16 that there was not a word of truth in these rumors, so far as the British Embassy was aware, and he said that these rumors were placing him [Page 13] (the Ambassador) in a most embarrassing position, as he had been assuring the American Ambassador of his own, and he was convinced of his Government’s, desire to work in complete frankness with the Americans; that these rumors made it appear that he had been lying, and he urged Mr. Byas not to report them to New York because they had no basis in fact.

  1. Hugh Byas.