Chapter III: June 1–July 31, 1935
Increasing political penetration of North China by Japanese military through pressure on Hopei and Chahar authorities; British inquiry as to possibility of Anglo-American representations at Tokyo, June 15; Foreign Minister Hirota’s assurances to British Ambassador, June 18; recurrence of incidents on “Manchoukuo”-Soviet frontier; Ambassador Yen’s report of renewed Japanese demands, July 26
[271] The Minister in Siam (Baker) to the Secretary of State
Bangkok, July 18, 1935.
[Received August 9.]
[Received August 9.]
[272] The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
Peiping, July 19, 1935—2
[Received July 19—9:22 a.m.]
[Received July 19—9:22 a.m.]
793.94/7193: Telegram
[274] The Second Secretary of Legation in China (Atcheson) to the Secretary of State
793.94/7207: Telegram
[275] The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
Peiping, July 25, 1935—10
[Received July 25—5:05 p.m.]
[Received July 25—5:05 p.m.]
893.01 Outer Mongolia/17: Telegram
[276] The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary of State
Moscow, July 26, 1935—10
[Received July 26—4:52 a.m.]
[Received July 26—4:52 a.m.]
893.515/681: Telegram
[277] The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt)
Washington, July 29, 1935—2
893.515/681: Telegram
[278] The Chargé in Japan (Neville) to the Secretary of State
Tokyo, July 31, 1935—6
[Received July 31—9:40 a.m.]
[Received July 31—9:40 a.m.]
793.94/7225: Telegram