
Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Trade Agreements (Grady)

The Spanish Ambassador called after completing his discussions with Mr. Hawkins24 and Mr. Morgan25 on the general provisions of the Spanish agreement.

It is intended to shape up the whole agreement as tentatively agreed to in our negotiations and present it to the Trade Agreements Committee for more or less final consideration. The Ambassador wishes, after consideration by the Trade Agreements Committee, to take the schedules and the general provisions to Madrid for personal conversations with his Government. He anticipates that there may be some matters which the officials in Madrid may want changed and he prefers to get substantial agreement in Madrid on the proposals as now outlined before having the agreement go to Secretary Hull for his approval. Assuming agreement on the part of the Foreign Office and Secretary Hull, the agreement will be ready for signing and then for submission to the Cortes. The Ambassador contemplates having the agreement signed by the Chargé and staying in Madrid to defend the agreement when it is under discussion in the Cortes.

Henry F. Grady
  1. Harry Hawkins, Assistant Chief, Division of Trade Agreements.
  2. John H. Morgan, foreign service officer assigned to the Division of Western European Affairs.