- Political developments in Germany under the National Socialist
regime (Documents 213–226)
- German rearmament, with unilateral repudiation of provisions of the
Treaty of Versailles (Documents 227–271)
- Relations of the Nazi regime with the Evangelical and Roman Catholic
Churches (Documents 272–288)
- Government control and Nazification of institutions of learning (Documents 289–296)
- Persecution of Jews in Germany (Documents 297–307)
- American interest in the work of the High Commission for Refugees
(Jewish and Other) Coming From Germany (Documents 308–323)
- Representations regarding German discrimination against American
holders of German bonds (Documents 324–331)
- Unsatisfactory trade relations between United States and Germany;
treaty of June 3, 1935, voiding certain clauses of article VII of the
commercial treaty of December 8, 1923 (Documents 332–355)
- Efforts by the Department of State to conclude the settlement of
claims under the Mixed Claims Commission, United States and Germany (Documents 356–362)
- Representations by the German Government against anti-Nazi activities
in the United States (Documents 363–369)