
Memorandum by Mr. Landreth M. Harrison of the Division of Eastern European Affairs

The Minister of Finland telephoned that he had just been informed by the Finnish Foreign Office that he should carry on the negotiations in connection with the proposed trade agreement, since no expert would be sent to Washington for that purpose.6 He added that he would be prepared to go ahead with the negotiations the beginning of the coming week and stated that he would like to have our precise views with respect to each point in the Finnish desiderata.

  1. Later during the negotiations the newly appointed Finnish Commercial Attaché Dr. I. Waananen, served as an expert from January 6, 1936 (611.60d31/128½); and a second expert, Mr. Gunnar Strengell, came from Finland as representative of the Finnish forest products industry from February 14, 1936 (611.60d31/129½, 133½).