The Secretary of State to the Polish Ambassador (Patek)
Excellency: In compliance with your request, I have the honor on behalf of the Government of the United States of America to acknowledge the receipt of your note of this date, reading in translation as follows:5
“Under instructions from my Government, I have the honor to communicate to your Excellency the following:
“The Polish Government, which is entrusted with the conduct of the foreign affairs of the Free City of Danzig under Article 104 of the Treaty of Peace, signed at Versailles, June 28, 1919, and under Articles 2 and 6 of the Convention between Poland and the Free City of Danzig, signed at Paris, November 9, 1920, declares, on behalf of Danzig and in execution of the provisions of Article XXIX of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Consular Rights between Poland and the United States of America, signed at Washington, June 15, 1931, that the Free City of Danzig shall become a contracting party of the said Treaty from the fifteenth day following the date of the receipt by the Government of the United States of America of this notification.
“I have the honor to request your Excellency to acknowledge receipt of this note.”
The Government of the United States is happy to take note of this declaration, and will be pleased to recognize the Free City of Danzig as a contracting party to the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Consular Rights between the United States and Poland, signed at Washington, June 15, 1931, from March 24, 1934, the fifteenth day following the date on which the declaration hereby acknowledged was received by the Government of the United States.
Accept [etc.]
- French text of note printed in Department of State Treaty Series No. 865.↩