
The Ambassador in Poland (Cudahy) to the Secretary of State

No. 137

Sir: With reference to instruction No. 73, September 5, 1933, I have the honor to transmit herewith a copy and transmission of Note No. [Page 676] P. V. 82/SZ/1/G/4/33 from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, dated December 21, 1933,4 informing the Embassy that the Polish Government has consulted the Government of the Free City of Danzig with regard to the participation of the latter in the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Consular Rights signed between the United States and Poland on June 15, 1931, and that it is issuing instructions to the Polish Ambassador in Washington to transmit to the American Government the declaration of the Polish Government on this subject in accordance with Article 29 of the above-mentioned treaty.

Respectfully yours,

John Cudahy
  1. Not printed.