711.42157 Detroit/89

The Minister in Canada (Robbins) to the Secretary of State

No. 829

Sir: I have the honor to refer to the Legation’s despatches No. 734 of March 24, 1932,98 and No. 518 of April 11, 1934, relative to the dredging operations being carried on in the channel of the lower Detroit River, and to transmit herewith copies of a further note from the Acting Secretary of State for External Affairs on this subject.

Respectfully yours,

Warren D. Robbins

The Canadian Acting Secretary of State for External Affairs (Perley) to the American Minister (Robbins)

No. 124

Sir: I have the honour to refer to my note No. 35, dated the 24th March, 1932,98 and to the subsequent correspondence concerning the deepening of the channels in the Detroit River, and particularly to my note No. 25, dated the 10th April, 1934.99

I understand that Major R. C. Crawford, District Engineer to the War Department, Detroit, in a letter dated the 8th August, 1934, transmitted to District Engineer Harcourt of the Canadian Department of Public Works, a letter dated the 16th August [sic], from the R. C. Huffman Construction Company, contractors employed on the deepening of the channel in the lower Detroit River. In the Company’s letter application was made for permission to leave a minimum depth of 9 feet instead of 12 feet, as also to increase the area of the spoil ground already approved and located in Canadian waters to the east of and immediately north of what is known as Detroit River Light in the lower Detroit River, Michigan. The area over which the contractors wish to widen the spoil ground has a width of 1,000 [Page 994] feet and a length extending opposite station 4500 to the south end of the disposal area as already approved by my note No. 25, to which reference has already been made.

The disposal [proposal?] thus transmitted by Major Crawford has been considered by an inter-departmental Committee, consisting of Canadian Government engineers, who have reported that there is no objection to leaving a depth of 9 feet below low water datum over the spoil area in question, instead of 12 feet, as already approved; but that, in their opinion, the easterly limit of the proposed additional spoil area should extend from the south-east corner of the proposed additional area to the north-east corner of the adjoining spoil area already approved. The main reason for this proposed change in the easterly limit is that such easterly limit would eliminate any jogs or undesirable angles, and such line would be approximately parallel to the line of the deep water prevailing to the east of this spoil area.

I have the honour, therefore, to convey to you the concurrence of the Canadian Government in the proposal thus transmitted by Major Crawford, provided that there is compliance with the suggestion made by the Committee, set forth above, and subject to the general conditions contained in the correspondence to which reference has been made. With regard to the suggestion of the Committee as to the easterly limit of the proposed additional spoil area, I understand that the matter has been considered at a conference between the Canadian Government engineers and the United States Government engineers, and that there is no objection to complying with this suggestion.

Accept [etc.]

George H. Perley
  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Ante, p. 985.