
The Secretary of State to President Roosevelt

Dear Mr. President: Thank you for letting us see this letter from Robbins.75 As you know, on December 21st Mr. Phillips discussed with the Canadian Minister a number of slight changes in the St. Lawrence Treaty and handed him copies of these alterations. None of them is particularly important, but in spite of that fact Mr. Herridge did not appear optimistic that the Prime Minister would give his approval of them, nor, in fact, that he would be in a position this winter to press for the ratification of the original treaty by Parliament. Mr. Herridge added, however, that should our Senate approve of the treaty in its amended form, the Prime Minister might find it possible to introduce it in Parliament in its new form, explaining at the same time that the changes which have been made in the original text were wholly insignificant and did not in any way alter the fundamental principles involved. Mr. Herridge felt that this might be an easier approach for the Prime Minister than to approve in advance [Page 982] of the suggested changes. We are awaiting Mr. Herridge’s reply in this connection.

Mr. Frank Walsh called at the Department on Saturday and seemed entirely satisfied with the steps which the Department has already taken. Our view is that even though Mr. Bennett cannot guarantee to present the treaty to Parliament in January, it would probably be best for us to secure the Senate’s approval at the earliest practical moment.

Accordingly, should you approve, I shall be happy to prepare a brief message for you, asking for a reconsideration of the treaty now before the Senate, and at the same time I would send to Senator Pittman76 the texts of the various amendments77 which we are discussing with the Canadian Government.

Faithfully yours,

Cordell Hull
  1. Letter from the Minister in Canada was, returned to the President with this letter.
  2. Key Pittman, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
  3. Texts of prepared amendments not found in Department files.