711.4215 Air Pollution/458

The Under Secretary of State (Phillips) to the Minister in Canada (Robbins)

Dear Warren: We sent you on Saturday a long instruction on the subject of the Trail Smelter, which seems to cover satisfactorily all the points involved so that when the matter gets to Congress the Department at least will have gone on record as having proposed something definite. I want the Canadians to realize fully that it will get into Congress and will raise a hue and cry unless they are willing to do something about it. The affair is not by any means confined to the representatives in Congress of the State of Washington. Senator Borah, among others, is ready to explode and all of us are weary of the interminable delays of the Canadians and the accruing damage to our people on this side of the border.

Please do what you can to point out the seriousness of the situation. I am asking the Secretary to bring it forcibly to the attention of Herridge34 when he calls upon him this afternoon.

Sincerely yours,

William Phillips
  1. William D. Herridge, Canadian Minister to the United States.